Jenny Ní Ruiséil
Nurturing your nature with Yoga, Mantra & Meditation

Back to the Heart
50hr Bhakti and Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga Online Teacher Training
For yoga teachers, practitioners, or those who wish to deepen their practice
What is your deepest, driving desire?
What is the unique song that your soul came here to sing?
Bhakti - The Way of Devotion
Originally, yoga was not intended to make us more flexible.
The more familiar we become with the external, outer shapes of the practice, the more we realise that the true heart of Yoga actually lives in the ways in which we relate to, experience and move towards realising the deepest desires of our hearts.
Although the body is an important starting point, traditional teachings speak much more about empowerment, sensitivity, and alignment with nature than they do about touching our toes. When fully realised, this sensitivity that we cultivate through regular practice naturally orients itself back in the direction of the heart, and we can begin to return again and again, directly to the space of devotion from whence we came.
Practice then becomes this delicate and yet deliberate process of unravelling - releasing the grip of anything which doesn't serve or support this devotion.
Join me for this 5-month, immersive online training to deepen your connection and return BACK TO THE HEART of what it means to live and practice Yoga.
Come home to the wisdom that lives within your heart through the essence of
Bhakti (devotion), and Sanskrit Mantra.
Explore the depth of wisdom that is still alive today in the lineage of Sri Vidya Tantra
But ultimately, above everything else.....
Come home to yourself.

"Your heart sees by it's own light.
In meditation, adore the subtle fire,
The light that you see by,
Is the light that comes from inside"
- Lorin Roche, The Radiance Sutras

Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga
The teachings of traditional Tantra draw from the wisdom of the Vedas, and are based around the idea that within each and every human being, there lives a unique spark of potential, just waiting to be ignited.
Drawing on Prana, the innate impulse towards life contained in all living things, the systematic approach of combining very specific pranically-oriented movements (asana), pranayama (breath techniques) and meditation creates a solid baseline, from which our self-awareness and empowerment can begin to blossom.
Returning Prana to it's most balanced, even state within our physical, mental, emotional and energetic systems has the overall effect of creating lasting states of ease, peace and equanimity.
It's from these states that we can begin to consciously, gently and with awareness, use the fire within to build and create the life we came here to live.
Bhakti Yoga
Bhakti Yoga is a movement within the yoga tradition, where devotion and the inner longings of the heart are placed at the forefront of all our efforts and practices.
Kirtan (group chanting) is one form of Bhakti Yoga, but Bhakti in and of itself is an entire way of being. It's a way of living where reverance for the infinite part of ourselves and all of life is woven into every aspect of living - not just reserved for yoga mats and sacred spaces.
Through the lens of Bhakti, the whole world becomes a sacred space. We can begin to cultivate an awareness of the tremendously beautiful, subtle parts of life which are actually disarmingly simple in their essence, once we can get past the noise.
If you've ever felt the call to bring back reverence into your life, to reconnect with a sense of divinity that isn't tied to any one belief system or dogma, and to reframe what the word 'devotion' means to you, Bhakti is one way to do this.
Ultimately, Bhakti helps us realise and embrace the longing to connect to a sense of oneness, to unconditionality, heart and compassion, and overall - to love.

"Let discipline transform into devotion, and your life will become a sacred ritual" - Tracee Stanley
The Training
This training is designed with the idea of helping you not only understand and dive deeper into the philosophy and energetics behind yoga, but also to help you develop a solid personal practice, from which your teaching and life in general can begin to evolve.
Developing this deeper connection to practice results in a deeper connection to Self, and vice-versa, so this will simultaneously be a yoga training and a journey into self-exploration, back to the heart of why we practice - to experience a deep heartfelt connection to all of life.
I'm a firm believer that personal practice and clear communication skills are at the core of all great teaching, and through our exploration of the language of teaching, Bhakti, Sanskrit, and chanting, you will get the chance to improve your skills in these areas too.
Over 5 months, we'll meet in a monthly online container to dive deep into different aspects of both Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga, and Bhakti. These live sessions will be combined with pre-recorded content, guest speakers, and 2 x private 1:1 sessions over the duration of the training.

Explore the fundamentals of Tantric philosophy & practice
Learn about the tradition of Bhakti yoga, and begin your exploration into mantra, Sanskrit and sacred sound
Recieve private, 1:1 guidance on all aspects of personal practice, weaving it all together, and developing your skills as a teacher
Reconnect with your 'why' of Yoga - strengthening your connection to Self, practice and to soul
Modules & Content
Month/Module 1:
Philosophy and Fundamentals of Tantra
Devotion & the origins of Bhakti
‘The Forces that Bind Us’ Lecture & Group Coaching
Yoga & the Mind (Part 1) - The Neuroscience of Yoga
Yoga Sutra Study
Asana Practices
Meditation & 'Back to the Heart' chanting session
Month/Module 2:
‘The Science of Sound' - Nada Yoga & Bhakti
'The Language of Yoga' - Introduction to Sanskrit & Pronunciation
Interactive Lectures & Group Coaching
Breath & Bhakti - Pranayama & ‘finding your voice’
Yoga & The Mind (Part 2) - ‘The Inner Instrument’
Yoga Sutras Study
Asana Practices
Meditation & 'Back to the Heart' chanting
Month/Module 3:
' Wisdom of Prana' - Tantra and The Magic of Self-Mastery
The Subtle Body & the Energetics of Asana
Prana & the Mind
Prana & the Body
Yoga Sutras Study
Asana Practices
Mediation & 'Back to the Heart' Chanting
Month/Module 4:
Teaching Skills
Developing a Personal Practice
The Language of Teaching & 'Find Your Voice' part 2.
'Lead from the Heart' - Lecture & Group Coaching
Kriya Meditation
Asana Practices
Group teaching practice
Month/Module 5:
'Bringing it all together' - taking practice off the mat
Vinyasa Krama & Teaching Skills Part 2
Mantra & Basic Harmonium Skills
Asana Practices
Final group call & private sessions

Payment Options
The total cost for the training is €850.
This includes a non-refundable deposit of €150.
Once you have filled out & submitted your application form (above), there are three options* for completion of this payment:
Option 1
Payment in full
Payable in 5 installments of €140 (after deposit)
Payable in 7 installments of €100 (after deposit)
Option 2
Option 3
* If none of these options work for you or you'd like to discuss payment options, please just reach out to me via email or the form below. I wish to make this training accessible to those who desire to take it, whilst also charging what I know and have felt these experiences to be worth.
This training will suit you if....
You are a yoga teacher or practitioner, seeking to re-ignite inspiration for practice, and deepen your understanding of these topics to incorporate them into your teaching/practice
You're a yoga teacher or practitioner, and desire more clarity on your 'why' for practice
You feel stagnant, 'stuck' or lost in your practice/teaching, and desire direction, motivation and accountability
You don't have a personal practice, and would like to build one based on your personal and unique needs and in line with traditional teachings
You feel disconnected to your emotions, your body and/or spiritual practice
You feel called to explore these topics in more depth with a group of likeminded people, in a group container for 5 months
This course is accredited by Yoga Alliance - meaning if you hold a current YA qualification (200 hour or more) this can count towards 50 hours of continued education, to be added to your yoga alliance certification.
If you don't teach yoga, you can still enjoy the course as a means to deepen your own practice and understanding of these topics.

Registration open now!